Agreement for Use of Electronic Services of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Metropolis LTDA.

1. Conditions of use of electronic media and definition:

The Registered User identified in this CONTRACT agrees to submit to the conditions indicated below, for the correct use of the electronic Services, and applications enabled by the COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO Y CRÉDITO METRÓPOLIS LTDA., through the website and within the framework of compliance with its obligations, as well as other formal duties, in accordance with current regulations applicable to the case.

The electronic services and applications enabled by the COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., which will be made available to the Registered User, are the following:

  • The transactional website “Metrópolis en Linea”
  • Mobile Application “Mobile Metropolis”

Additionally, it may be carried out by the COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., the delivery of notifications of administrative actions, resolutions within administrative procedures, response to procedures, requests for information, transfers of information requirements; among others and access to the services that the COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., makes available to you, through the email and cell phone number registered in this CONTRACT with this institution, which will be fully valid and produce legal effects from their delivery.

2.- Consent:

The electronic notification carried out through email and text message implies the act by which the COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., informs the Registered User of the content of an administrative action or resolution as a data message. The data message is understood as any information created, generated, processed, sent, received, communicated or archived by electronic means and that, likewise, can be exchanged by that same means. The actions and documents dematerialized in data messages, as well as those original documents that are dematerialized, in accordance with the provisions contained in the Law on Electronic Commerce, Electronic Signatures and Data Messages, have the same legal value as physical documents; Therefore, the Registered User’s access to them will be understood as access to the original document.

The Registered User, through the subscription of this CONTRACT, grants his consent and declares his express acceptance to receive electronically the actions emanating from the COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., which will be notified to you through the electronic services described above, for which purpose, you also declare your willingness to use, preferably, the email mailbox that is yours. provided, for effective communication with technical support personnel of this institution. The Registered User expressly declares to understand and accept that the notification of administrative actions carried out through the aforementioned electronic services will be understood to have been carried out, for all legal purposes, at the time of delivery to the email address previously registered in the process. validation, executed prior to acceptance of this Agreement. The COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., will verify, through its computer tools, the exact day and time on which said notification or delivery occurred and will provide, through the competent server, proof of pertinent notification, as proof of having made it.

3. Responsibility of the Registered User and Information Security:

The Registered User assumes full responsibility for the use of authentication factors, as well as for the veracity of the information generated and managed through electronic services, for the fulfillment of their obligations and other formal duties, and for the use of the services provided by them. COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA., makes it available to you through the cooperative’s transactional website.

The responsibility derived from the lack of care of users and access codes, as well as improper reservation, or misuse, or use by unauthorized third parties, by the owner that may cause damage, will be exclusively the Registered User. The security of transactions carried out online, and services provided through the COAC METROPOLIS LTDA. web services, is guaranteed, in accordance with the principles of administrative simplicity and efficiency, security in the management of information and technological neutrality; through the correct use of the Registered User’s access code, from which all legal responsibilities will arise, in accordance with the Law.

Security will also be guaranteed through the proper registration and updating of the email address and personal cell phone number of the Registered User, which will be done through the validation process; executed before the acceptance of this Agreement, and through which certain online services and procedures may be complemented, such as the recovery of the User password, when required.

4. Conditions of Access to Electronic Services:

The Registered User must access the COAC METROPOLIS LTDA. web services, through the registered credentials, prior to signing this CONTRACT For the Correct Use and Administration of the Access Credentials to the Electronic Services of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Metrópolis Ltda. If you forget your password, you can recover it by completing the validations and security filters that the cooperative requests, on its Transactional Website or mobile application.

The Registered User who has the ¨Metrópolis en Linea¨ and ¨Metrópolis Móvil¨ service undertakes to periodically access it, and/or the email address that the User has registered, in accordance with the conditions established in this Agreement. for the use of electronic means, in order to review the notifications that are made to you by said means from the COAC. METROPOLIS LTDA.

Failure to comply with this obligation will not affect the legal validity of the notification made, which will take place when the electronic message is deposited in the email inbox, or text message, without prejudice to the responsibilities and sanctions to which that there may be room.

5. Restriction of responsibilities of the COAC. METROPOLIS LTDA.:

The COAC. METRÓPOLIS LTDA ., is not responsible for the inaccuracy or lack of truthfulness of the content, or for any error, in the information provided by the Registered User; whether it is human or technological errors. In this sense, the Registered User has the obligation to immediately notify the cooperative of any change in the email address and cell phone number. To do this, you must request an update of the information at the cooperative offices. The COAC. METROPOLIS LTDA. , through the most appropriate means possible, protects the information and personal data that it manages or generates, in compliance with the current legal framework.

6. Acceptance:

The subscription of this CONTRACT for the Correct Use and Administration of the Access Credentials to the Electronic Services of the Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Metrópolis Ltda., implies the acceptance of each and every one of the established provisions, procedures, requirements and conditions for the correct use of electronic services, and applications enabled in accordance with current regulations. The Registered User signs this Electronic Agreement freely and voluntarily, expressly declaring that he or she will be subject to what is stipulated here. The Registered User also accepts the validity of this Electronic Agreement, and undertakes to personal use and non-disclosure of the password established for access to the services and procedures previously indicated, as well as electronic notifications of administrative actions, documents and any other information sent to you by the COAC. METROPOLIS LTDA .

7. User responsibilities regarding proper custody of keys, OTPs, passwords, mobile devices, emails:

The User of the electronic service is responsible for the custody, non-disclosure, security measures and double authentication of emails, mobile devices, and not revealing or transferring passwords to third parties. As well as being responsible for accessing the official website of the Cooperativa Metropolis Ltda which contains the respective security measures. Likewise, in the event of alerts or abnormal situations, you have the obligation to communicate and inform the Cooperative immediately. In addition, you will have to secure the devices from which you access the virtual services and take any other security measures, such as having antimalware and the like on your access devices.

8. Origin and destination of funds:

The user declares under oath that the origin of the funds delivered under this contract to COAC METRÓPOLIS LTDA., is lawful; and, aware of the penalties contained in the «Ley de Lavado de Activos y del Financiamiento de Delitos», also declares under oath that said funds, as well as the transactions carried out, by virtue of this contract, have and will not be related with the carrying out or financing of illegal and illicit activities; and exempts the cooperative from all liability, including towards third parties, if this statement is false or erroneous.


I, as a CUSTOMER and/or PARTNER of the COOPERATIVA DE AHORRO Y CREDITO METROPOLIS LTDA., with RUC: 0992470550001, authorize and consent in a free, specific, informed and unequivocal manner to the cooperative so that, within the scope of its competition, use, manage and safeguard the personal data that I have entered in this procedure, in strict compliance with the current legal system.